Candles : : Latest Designs
Offering a wide range of styles including Household, Pillar, Tapered, Spiraled, Floating, Votive, ceremonial / Religion, Christmas, Tea light And Craft models.

No smoke or odor, burning alone, Various colors and shapes available. suitable for gift with long burning time, and excellent quality.

100% from Pure Paraffin oil .
pottery pottery pottery
M 301
M 307
M 305
pottery pottery pottery
M 306
M 309
M 308
pottery pottery pottery
M 310
T 133
T 102
pottery pottery pottery
T 108
T 140
pottery pottery pottery
T 135
T 215
T 101
pottery pottery pottery
T 103
T 105
M 304 | 302 | 303
pottery pottery  
S 218
S 214
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